Collection: Apollo Vaporizer
About Apollo and AirVape Vaporizers
AirVape started in 2013 when a few vape enthusiasts decided to co-found the company with the motivation to create luxury vapes in the dry herb space at an affordable price. The original goal was to "fit outstanding performance in a truly portable, small body." That's why if you've heard of AirVape, you will automatically think of the world's thinnest vaporizers.
Makers of the popular AirVape vaporizer series, Apollo offers affordable vaporizer options for both dry herb and concentrate users alike. Devices like the AirVape Xs GO provide advanced features like a convection-conduction hybrid-heating system and ceramic chamber in a portable vaporizer under $75.00. If you're a concentrate user in need of a discreet cartridge vape, the AirVape OM can hook directly to your keychain for on-the-go vaping.