The wax pen is the hardest kind of vaporizer to clean. Waxier concentrate is stickier than dry herb and ickier than eliquid. This makes cleaning pen vaporizers a challenge.
The secret to keeping your concentrate pen in tip-top shape is simple. Find the right tools and the right products--and stick to a reasonable schedule.
One of the most helpful kits when it comes to cleaning your vape pen is the Higher Standards Supreme Clean Kit. This kit features 99% isopropyl alcohol, Resin Rags to help cleanup, alcohol soaked Dot Wipes for easy spot cleans, and beefed up Pipe Dreamz and Pipe Stix to help dislodge pesky debris.
Here are a few helpful tips for cleaning your concentrate pen!
Clean Your Concentrate Pen Weekly
Giving your vaporizer pen a quick wipe down once a week may take a little discipline, but it’ll save you time and energy in the long run.
Keeping to a fairly regular vaporizer cleaning schedule will become a habit after 21 cleanings. Until then, you can set reminders on your smartphone.
Cleaning up keeps your vaping experience sanitary and optimal, so you’re better off cleaning your concentrate pen fairly frequently.
Check Your Concentrate Pen's Threads
Since a pen vaporizes the waxy oils that go in its heating chamber, there's not much to clean except the mouthpiece and body. But don't forget the threading.
Clogging up the threading that connects all the essential parts of your wax pen with melted wax isn't the end of the world. But it can make it difficult to screw the vaporizer together.
Scrubbing the threading down during your regularly scheduled maintenance session will keep your wax pen easy to assemble.
A brush is the best tool for cleaning the threading of wax pens. But be careful, a heavy-duty metal brush can strip the threading of your wax pen.
Dabbing some isopropyl alcohol on the threading will help break down the waxy oil so its easier to scrub off.
The OG Four 2.0 is special in that is leak-proof with a deep dish design that keeps all the wax inside the chamber. Finding a wax pen that is easy-to-clean like the OG Four 2.0 will spare you the hassle of having to frequently clean the treading.
Not sure if you got it all? We recommend using Pipe Stix, a dart-shaped premium cotton tip has been design to prevent any cotton remnants from getting dislodged in your device. Dip the cotton swab in some cleaning solution and wipe down the threading, body or mouthpiece of your vaporizer. Repeat with a new cotton tip each time until the cotton tip comes back a snowy white.
While cleaning your Concentrate Pen is beneficial, there comes a time when it's worth considering a new one.
Check Out the Latest Pens Currently Available.

The cleaner your wax vaporizer pen remains, the better it will perform. A clean wax pen will save you money replacing parts that succumb to muck. It'll also keep your wax vape pen running longer so you don't have to buy a new one every year. Most importantly, your vapor production will be purer and cleaner tasting.